
查看:6099 回复:1 发表于 2022-11-7 13:11
发表于 2022-11-7 13:11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

英国伦敦招聘 全职英语老师 English Teacher (FT) [复制链接]

本帖最后由 HRCCC 于 2023-1-16 15:40 编辑

只限全职, 不考虑聘请兼职员工

- 了解并根据学员学习能力与需求,准备教学计划和课前教材
- 开展有特色的口语应用类课程,满足学员的实用性学习需求

- 全日制本科以上学历,英文相关专业
- 流利的英语口语表达,中文表达能力强, 可以中英文沟通
- 沟通表达能力强, 讲课条理清晰

Job Description
- Responsible for teaching daily English courses
- Understand and prepare teaching plans and pre-class teaching materials according to student's learning ability and needs
- Develop a particular oral practice to meet the student’s learning needs

- Full-time Bachelor Degree or above, major in English
- Fluent in spoken English, strong in Chinese, able to communicate in both Chinese and English
- Strong communication skills and well-organized presentation of lectures

Please submit your CV online and include your current basic salary & expected salary, also remark the type and status of your visa in your CV if you need work permit in UK.

有意者请Whatsapp至 +852 6460 5335 或 +852 5288 6996 安排约见。

请注明参考编号 (LD-0009HR) 申请"伦敦英语老师",注明现时薪金、期望薪金及可到职日期,如持有工作签证者,请在简历中注明签证类型及有效期。



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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-1 15:45:44 | 显示全部楼层
有意者请Whatsapp至 +852 6460 5335 或 +852 5288 6996 安排约见。
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